0-10 V Fancoil units. Allows to control the minimum (1.5 V by default) and maximum (10 V by default) working
fan voltage of the controlled unit, in steps of 0.1 V. The minimum voltage corresponds with the desired lowest
speed for the unit and the maximum voltage corresponds with the highest speed. The medium speed
corresponds with the mid point between both of them.
Radio channel. It activates/deactivates the wireless association module of the system.
Info (only for Think thermostats). It provides information about the zone, the system, the devices and the Webserver.
Reset system (only available for master thermostat Blueface zero). Resets the system and returns to factory settings. To
reconfigure the thermostats, please check
Centralized Controller. It allows defining whether or not your installation has a Centralized Controller. By default it
will be disabled.
BACnet (only in installations with AZX6BACNET). This parameter displays the Device ID, the uplink port, the IP address,
the subnet mask and the Gateway IP and allows you to modify them. Press on the value you want to change, modify
it and then press to confirm. The values by default are:
Device ID: 1000
Port: 47808
IP Address: DHCP
Protection mode (only available in Blueface zero thermostats and if the system detects an H2 error in the indoor unit). This
allows you to disable the delay in the closing of the motorized elements.
Associated outputs. It displays and allows you to select the control outputs associated with the thermostat.
Thermostat settings. Use this parameter to define the thermostat as Master or Zone.
*Note: It cannot be configured as Master if there is already another Master thermostat.
Use mode. The thermostats can be set in Basic or Advanced mode. They are set in Advanced mode by default. These
are the parameters you can control in basic mode: On/off, set-point temperature, operating mode (only if this is the
master thermostat) and fan speed.
If you need to reset the thermostat to Advanced mode, access the advanced configuration menu and then activate
the advanced use mode.
Control stages (only available in installations with AZCE6OUTPUT8 modules). This parameter is used to configure both
cooling and heating stages in a single zone or in all the zones. These are the features to be configured:
Air: It activates the heating/cooling air in the zone.
Radiant (only in heating stages): It activates the radiant heating in the zone.
Combined (only in heating stages): It activates both air and radiant heating in the zone selected and allows the
user to select the desired heating stage that in the zone: Air, Radiant or Combined. The zone will start using the
heating air stage. Once the room temperature reaches the differential pre-established (see parameter Hysteresis
Configuration), the zone will activate the radiant stage.
Off: It deactivates the cooling/heating stage in the zone.
Offset. Corrects the room temperature of all the zones of the system both in heating and cooling mode.
Reset thermostat (not available in remote zones). Allows you to reset the thermostat and returning it to the default
Important: Production control board settings are only available in AZX6CCPWSCC for the master Blueface zero thermostat of the
system nº1.
Operation logic. It allows to configure the operation logic for the control relays of the production control board: