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We strongly recommend you to keep the rubber profile Si raccomanda di conservare il profilo in gomma you cut; this will enable you to assemble again your tagliato dal porta-tutto in modo da poter ripristinare carry-all bars when you remove the optional ski-carrier. le barre originali una volta smontato l’optional porta-sci.
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Snow Board Montaggio sci/snowboard con punte Ski/snowboards with points towards the verso il retro rear side Montaje esquís y snowboard con espátulas Die Ski/Snowboardspitzen nach hinten dirigidas hacia atrás montieren Monter les skis/snowboard avec spatule dirigée Ski/snowboard met de punten richting achterzijde vers l’arrière 4068672...
To guarantee a long life for your accessory, we recommend cleaning it regularly and especially in winter. Failure to observe these rules could compromise your own safety, and that of others.When you are not using your FABBRI PORTATUTTO accessory, put it in a safe place, out of the reach of children.