Warning. Risk of electric shock.
Risk of danger. Important information. It is important that users of this tester
read, understand, and follow all warnings, cautions, safety information, and instructions
in this manual before operating or servicing this tester. Failure to follow instructions
could result in death or serious injury.
Double Insulated.
Turn unit on:
Press and hold the power button for ½ second, then release. Listen for single-beep sound and
watch for a steady green LED to illuminate in the tip of the tester. The tester is now activated and is
operational. Test on known live circuit to verify tester functionality. See Silent Mode for additional
power-on options.
Turn unit off:
Press and hold the power button for ½ second. Listen for a double-beep sound and watch the
"power on" green LED turn off. The tester is now deactivated and is not operational.
The "power on" green LED visually confirms battery sufficiency, system integrity, and operation/active
mode. Always test on known live circuit to verify tester functionality prior to and after each use.
System self-test:
The "power on" green LED visually confirms battery sufficiency, system integrity, and operation/active
mode. Always test on known live circuit to verify tester functionality prior to and after each use.
Checking for the presence of AC voltage:
Prior to and after each use, test on known live circuit to verify tester functionality. Place tip of the
tester near an AC voltage. If the tester detects voltage, the "power on" LED in the tip of the tester
changes color from green to red and a continual beeping sound is generated.
Voltage Range
Low battery indication:
Scenario 1 – Powering on the tester: The "power on" LED in the tip of the tester changes from a
steady green to a blinking green and a series of beeping sounds is generated. The tester then turns
off. The unit is now deactivated and is not operational; the batteries require replacement. To replace
the tester batteries refer to the Maintenance section titled "Battery Replacement."
Scenario 2 – Operating the tester: If the LED lights dim and the tone fades, the tester may require new
batteries. To replace the tester batteries refer to the Maintenance section titled "Battery Replacement."
Auto power off:
After 4 minutes of non-use, the tester automatically powers off to conserve battery life. Listen for a
double-beep sound and watch the "power on" green LED turn off. The tester is now deactivated and
is not operational.
Silent mode:
The tester can be operated with only visual indication of voltage. With the tester powered off, press
and hold the power button for 2 seconds.
Battery replacement:
• Orient the tool/tester with the pocket-clip facing you.
• Gently depress the tab, Fig. 2, until you can slide the end-cap off the main body of the tester.
• Remove the batteries using caution to prevent damage or injury to the internal components.
• Replace with two AAA 1.5 volt or IEC LR03 or NEDA 24A batteries.
• Place batteries into tester with the positive terminals facing the tip, Fig. 3.
• Carefully align and slide the end-cap onto the body of the tester, Fig. 4. Push the cap until it is fully
seated (denoted by a clicking sound), Fig. 4.
• note: Hold pocket-clip on cap close to tester body while sliding cap onto tester.
• Test on known live circuit to verify tester functionality.
Cleaning tester:
• Tester contains sensitive electronic components; do not submerse in liquid.
• Do not use alcohol, ammonia or cleaners containing solvents to clean tester.
• Gently wipe the tester with Klein Kleaners
mild cleaning solution.
• Make sure the tester is completely dry prior to operation.
• Do not throw depleted batteries away; please recycle properly.
• Do not throw tester away, please recycle properly.
• Please see www.epa.gov or www.erecycle.org for additional information.
50 TO 1000 VOLTS AC
High-pitched continuous beeping sound
Green LED Turns OFF and Red LED illuminates continuously
(CAT. # 51425), a damp cloth or a cloth containing a