8.4 Level measurement with limitated
display range
A third example is level measurement with
limited display range, that means a tank
with 10 m 3 have to be filled up at best to 8
m 3 and its the level should not decrease
below 1 m 3 . At values > 8 m 3 the display
shows „hi" and at values < 1 m 3 the dis-
play shows „lo".
4..20 mA is chosen as input range.
Assign 0 as „displayed value at min. input
signal" to the lowest input level and 10 as
„displayed value at max. input signal"to the
highest input level.
Additionally at menu title „min. input sig-
nal" the value which corresponds to the 1
m 3 level, e.g. 5.6 mA is programmed. Do
the same with the value which corre-
sponds to the 8 m 3 level, e.g. 16.8 mA.
At input levels > 16.8 mA „hi" will be dis-
played and at input levels < 5.6 mA „lo".
Max. input
voltage or
max. input
current can
be shifted
inside the
input voltage
range or the
input current
Displayed value can be
freely adjusted to the input
value inside the display
Min. input volt-
age or min.
input current
can be shifted
inside the input
voltage range
or the input cur-
rent range