are beginner levels and take
approximately 4, 8, 12 and 16 sec-
onds per move, respectively. Level
5 is a fixed 1-ply (one-half move)
search. Levels 6 through 15 take
about 1 second per level number, so
level 10 will average about 10 sec-
onds per move. Levels 16 through
72 take about 2 seconds per level
number. The amount of time taken
will vary depending on the position,
the stage of the game, and whether
or not the FAST level option is on.
(See "Level Options," page 6.)
Level 73 is an infinite level.
Electronic Chess will take as long
to move as you want it to, or until it
finds a mate position in its search.
Level 73 is good for problem solv-
ing (like the MATE
problems avail-
able under OPTIONS), or it can be
used to
play against. When you are
tired of waiting, press the GO key
while the computer is thinking, and
the computer will stop thinking and
play the best move it's found so far.
Auto Play
If you would like to watch the
computer finish a game for you
automatically, press the 2nd key,
then press the PLAYER key repeat-
edly to change the number of play-
ers to zero. Press CLEAR and then
press the GO key twice and watch
the game play itself. You may stop
auto play at any time by pressing
the GO key, which will set the num-
ber of players back to one.
You may automatically replay all the
Replay Variation
moves saved by Electronic Chess for
undoing. If you would like to replay the
stored moves, first undo all the moves
by pressing the 2nd key, and then press
the PLAYER key repeatedly to change
the number of players to zero. Press
CLEAR and then press the UNDO key.
Now to replay the variation and return
to your original position, press the 2nd
key, then press the PLAYER key
repeatedly to change the number of
players to zero. Press CLEAR and then
press the GO key and watch the moves.
Electronic Chess will stop Auto Play
when it arrives at the original position.
Book Opening Trainer
Electronic Chess makes it easy
for you to learn the same openings
that world chess champions play!
At the beginning of a game, you
may choose to learn one of 34 pop-
ular book openings—ways to begin
the game—used by chess masters.
Press 2nd, then OPTIONS, to dis-
play OPEn, and then press the -1 or
+1 keys to select the number of the
opening you want to learn. (See
right.) Then press the CLEAR key
to return to normal play.
Now play a move. If your move
is not the correct opening move, an
error buzz will sound. To learn the
correct move press HINT. When the
computer comes back with its
move, you will briefly see the word
OPEn on the screen if you have
another opening move to make. If
the word OPEn does not appear,
you may continue normal play. You
have completed the training for that
opening line.
The names of the openings are:
Ruy Lopez, Exchange Variation
Ruy Lopez, Closed Defense
Ruy Lopez, Open Defense
Ruy Lopez Archangel Defense
Giuoco Piano
Scotch Game
Four Knights
Petroff Defense
Vienna Game
10. Sicilian, Classical Defense
11. Sicilian, Accelerated Dragon
12. Sicilian, Rossolimo Attack
13. Sicilian, Dragon Variation
14. Sicilian, Scheveningen
15. Sicilian, Najdorf Variation
16. Sicilian, Moscow Variation
17. Caro-Kann Defense
18. Panov-Botvinnik Attack
19. French Defense, Winawer
20. French Defense,
Classical Defense
21. French Defense, McCutcheon
22. French Defense, Tarrasch
23. Queen's Gambit Accepted
24. Queen's Gambit Declined
25. Queen's Gambit, Semi-Slav
26. Queen's Gambit, Tarrasch
27. Queen's Gambit, Slav Defense
28. Nimzo-Indian Defense,
Rubinstein Var.
29. Nimzo-Indian Defense,
Classical Variation
30. Queen's Indian Defense
31. Queen's Indian
Defense, Petrosian
32. Bogo-Indian Defense
33. Gruenfeld Defense
34. King's Indian Defense
The moves and explanations of
these famous openings are given in
many books on chess.
Entering Your Own Opening
Electronic Chess also allows you
to set up any book opening you
want—or even an opening you
invent—to practice. Press 2nd then
repeatedly press PLAYER until the
CLEAR, then make moves for both
sides until the opening position you
want to practice is reached. Now
press 2nd then repeatedly press
PLAYER until the display reads
1PLAYr. Press CLEAR and play
against the computer in this posi-