2. A Pawn may make an en pas-
sant capture if it is a reply move to
a double pawn move, and it is a
Pawn which is side-by-side with the
Pawn which made the double pawn
move. The capture of a white Pawn
is diagrammed below:
3. A Pawn can be promoted if it
advances all the way to the far side
of the board. It is immediately pro-
moted, as part of the same move,
into a Queen, Rook, Bishop, or
Knight, whichever its owner choos-
es. Since a Queen is the most pow-
erful piece, it is nearly always cho-
sen as the promotion piece.
Through the promotion process, a
player may have more than one
Queen on the board at the same
Model 977
An amazing feature of the
Electronic Chess, is that it can be
connected to a sensory chess board
and used with real chess pieces. If
you purchased The Excalibur Chess
Station, the chess board DOCKER
was included with the Electronic
Chess unit. If you purchased only
the Electronic Chess unit, contact
Excalibur Electronics to order the
DOCKER accessory.
To attach the Electronic Chess to the
DOCKER, first make sure Electronic
Chess is OFF. Turn the
Chess upside down so the cover is near-
est you and the batteries are furthest
away. Remove the cover using your
thumb nail to pry off the cover (see item
1, above. Now notice the central pro-
truding tip in the middle of one edge of
the cover. Then locate the two small
protruding dimples on the other edge of
the cover. Insert the protruding central
tip in the slot on the back of the
Electronic Chess with the edge having
the two dimples positioned next to the
silver name plate. Now with one hand,
place your thumb where the protruding
tip was inserted, and two fingers on the
two dimples. Pushing down with your
thumb, and use your two fingers to gen-
tly pull the two dimples toward your
thumb a little. This will lock the cover
into place. To remove the cover from its
storage slot, use your thumb and finger
to work it out of its locked position.
Locate the three plastic bumps just
above the Excalibur logo on the
front of Electronic Chess. Now
slide the Electronic Chess into the
DOCKER until the three plastic
bumps are just visible above the
plastic chute of the DOCKER.
Turn OFF Electronic
Chess before inserting into
the DOCKER or removing
it from the DOCKER.
Electronic Chess into the DOCK-
ER, set the chess pieces (included
with the DOCKER) on their start-
ing squares. Use the chess board
screen of Electronic Chess as a ref-
erence, in case you are unsure
where a piece goes. Don't forget the
queen always goes on her own
color square.
Turn Electronic Chess on, and
Play a Game Right Away
using the edge of the pawn (see dia-
gram, left) on square E2 press at the
center of square E2.
You will see E2-__ appear on the
display of Electronic Chess. Now
use the edge of the pawn to press
the center of square E4. Place the
pawn on square E4.
Electronic Chess will respond
with its move by showing the from
and to square coordinates on the
display. Electronic Chess will wait
until you move its piece by pressing
on the from square and then the to