will see the options to add, edit and delete an account.
Tap on the Add button to add a new user account.
Enter the credentials and select the user role as User
or Super Admin to determine the authorisation level
of the account.
Super Admin - Able to list users, add, edit and
delete any user or update user password and lock
password of any user
User - Able to edit own user password and lock
The new user account information will be saved on the
Display. If the Display is connected to the Internet and
operating in AMS active mode, the information of the
created user account will be saved in AMS and will be
accessible on any Display registered to the same AMS.
Account Management
System (AMS)
AMS is a cloud-based system where all the data of
the registered users and the Displays is stored. So,
users can access their accounts and settings on any
Display registered to the same AMS. Registering
with AMS is not mandatory if a stand-alone operating
Display is needed.
The Display supports operating both in AMS active
and AMS passive mode. AMS passive mode is set
by default.
AMS Registration
It is required to have an Internet connection and the
active user account should have administrative rights
(User Role - Super Admin) in order to connect the
Display to AMS. Please follow the instructions below:
• Connect the Display to the Internet
Refer to Connectivity section for more information
• Tap on the AMS button situated on the Settings
Board. AMS Settings screen will be displayed
• Tap on the AMS Active switch to enable the AMS
• Following fields will appear. These fields should
be filled in to register with AMS. Enter the required
Display Name: A Name for your Display. Display
information can be followed through AMS with this
Account Management System URL: Web URL of
Account Management System Key: Unique key
for AMS
• When you are done filling these fields, tap on the
Save button to complete the registration
Tap on the Cancel button to exit.
As a result, device and user settings will be downloaded
from AMS, and users registered to AMS will become
active in this Display. And the information of this Display
and the user accounts created on it will be kept on AMS
and will become accessible on any Display registered
to the same AMS.
Obtaining AMS URL and AMS Key
Please contact your AMS administrator for AMS URL
and AMS Key information.
AMS administrator is required to follow the instructions
below to get the AMS Key:
• Enter the AMS URL in the address bar of the web
• Enter the user name and the password in the related
fields to log in
• Go to Settings > Configuration (AMS Settings Page
– Configuration Tab)
• Find the AMS Secret Key field on the page
Favourite Applications
You can select up to three applications for quick
access. These apps will be accessible directly from
the Home Screen.
To add an application to your favourites or change a
present one, tap on one of the empty favourite app
widgets with a star symbol or tap on the pen sign (
next to the most right favourite app widget. Available
apps will be displayed. You can add or remove an app
by tapping on the app or the check box next to it. As
mentioned before, a maximum of three apps can be
selected. When you are done, tap on the Save button.
If you want these changes to be applied to your
registered account on AMS, the Display should be
connected to the Internet and operating in AMS
active mode.
All Applications
Tap on the All Apps widget (
or on the General Tools Bar. All applications installed
on your Display will be listed here. You can launch any
installed application using this screen.
Tap anywhere on the darkened area of the screen
or the Back button on the General Tools Bar to exit.
Note: When using the VMeet application, make sure to
connect the USB camera to the Display before you launch
the application. Otherwise, you won't be able to turn on the
camera during your meeting. If this is the case, close the app
and relaunch it to use the camera.
Recent Applications
Tap on the Recent Apps button on the General Tools
Bar. The recently used applications that are still running
English - 17 -
) on the Home Screen