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S A F E T Y N O T E S ⁄ The transformer must not be installed in protection zones 0, 1 or 2. Gloves should be worn during installation to prevent crushing and cutting injuries. ⁄ The transformer must be installed safe from out side contact in a flush-mounted outlet socket to be provided by the customer. This flush-mounted outlet socket is The product may only be used for bathing, hygienic and body cleaning purposes. connected to the fitting via an empty conduit EN 20. Children may only use the product unsupervised if they have been suitable instructed and trained to use the product safely and to understand the risks of C O N N E C T I N G C A B L E B E T W E E N F I T T I N G ⁄ T R A N S F O R M E R improper operation.
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• - -i=( DIN VDE 0100 Teil 701 / IEC 60364-7-701 :<30mA: 0, 1, 2 = Schutzbereich 0, 1, 2 = Zone de protection 0, 1, 2 = Protected areo -" 100-240 V AC 50 Hz . , , : , : , , , : , : , ,,...
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DE / Reinigungsempfehlung/Garantie/Kontakt FR / Recommondotion pour le nettoyoge/Garanties/Contoct E N / Cleoning recommendotion/Worronty/Contoct www.oxor-de s i www.axor-de s i g cleoni ng-recommendotion cle aning-recom me ndotion www.axor-de s i g www.oxo cle aning-recom me ndotion...
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A XOR ⁄ Hansgrohe SE Auestraße 5–9 77761 Schiltach Deutschland