Cover tightness:
If the vacuum is not below 800mbar later 5s of the sample vacuum pressure cycle, then *Cover issue* is activated and
cycle is stopped.
Control the cover position and the tightness.
It can be necessary at the beginning of the cycle to maintain a light pressure under the cover
By boosting a cycle or by pushing on
If tje vaccumm is not below the EV line closure value later 50s, them "TIME OUT" is activated and cycle is stopped. By
boosting a cycle or by pushing on
Screen informations
Ligne n°1 : Working order of the vacuum pump (off/on)
Ligne n°2 : Level pressure
Ligne n°3 : Vacuum pressure timers of the sample. Display of*Disjunction* / *Cover issue* / *Maintenance*
Ligne n°4 : Parameters access and in case of HYDRALVAC OXYDROSS, display of the selector position « OXYDROSS » or
Parameters setting / display
By pressing the
button several times, the backlight is activated during 10 minutes and the fourth line will display
Hydr. Set. 00080 mb :
Oxyd. Set. 00003 mb:
Hydra. Time 00300 s:
Oxydr. Time 00300 s:
Pump HM 0000 h :
Week Maint 00104 W :
Hour.Maint 03000h
LastMaint 15/02/16 :
FR=0 / GB=1 0 :
TIME OUT 00050 s:
button the alarm fulfills.
button, the alarms fufills.
EV line closure value in "Gros Testing" position. This value can be set to 0 from 200mbar.
EV line closure value in "OXYDROSS" position. This value can be set to 0 for 200 mbar.
Vacuum pressure time of the sample in Hydralvac 6000 mode. Adjustable from 5 to 3600s.
Vacuum pressure time of the sample in Hydralvac OXYDROSS mode. Adjustable from 5 to
Hour meter for vacuum pump
Maintenance timer in week
Maintenance timer in hours
Last maintenance date
Choice of the languages – FR = français, choice 0 / GB = English, choice 1
Time of the TIME OUT. Adjustable from 10 to 3601 s.