Safety Features
The Bonnet functions as a cover and guard for the Waste Port as the Globe rotates. The
Bonnet also provides a mount location for the Night Light, wires, and electrical terminals
that provide a safe, low 5VDC to the Night Light. The Globe will not rotate without the
Bonnet installed (see Control Panel - Indicator Lights Yellow Light Flashing, page 18).
Cat Re-Entry Protection
If the Cat Sensor detects a cat trying to enter the Litter-Robot during a cycle, the Globe
will stop when rotating counter-clockwise or stop and reverse direction for 5 seconds
when rotating clockwise. It will wait 15 seconds before attempting to resume the cycle.
Note: Weight applied on the step and/or Step Mat will not trip the Cat Sensor and stop
the Globe rotation. This is intentional, as we do not want to invite a cat to enter by
stopping the Globe rotation. If, however, the cat steps inside, the Globe will stop when
rotating counter-clockwise or stop and reverse direction for 5 seconds when rotating
Anti-Pinch Safety Feature
The Litter-Robot is equipped with an Anti-Pinch Safety Feature to make the Litter-Robot
extra safe for your cat.
While cycling, if a potential pinch condition is detected, the Globe will stop and reverse
direction for 2 seconds. The yellow light will begin flashing quickly (about four times per
second), awaiting your action. Once the blockage is cleared, press any button to return
the Globe to the Home position.
Anti-Pinch Bar