PARTS CODE / CÓDIGO QTY / QTÉ / CANT. CODE / CÓDIGO QTY / QTÉ / CANT. CODE / CÓDIGO QTY / QTÉ / CANT. CODE / CÓDIGO QTY / QTÉ / CANT. bottom tools required the use of electric tools must be made two people are required to with vigilance.
IMPORTANT NOTICE / Duly complete the self-adhesive sticker. / MODEL MODELO 00000-0000 COLOR : : COLOR WWW.BESTAR.CA : 1-888-8BESTAR (1 888 823-7827) To better serve you! ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS DASSEMBLAGE Model INSTRUCCIONES DE ENSAMBLAJE Production Number Customer Service 1-888-823-7827 Certified...
HARDWARE INSTALLATION / Desk / H-03 Important Importante VE-244 CO-762 Make sure to use the largest in runner holes (CO-762), as i n d i c a t e d b e l o w. H-36 PA-844 CO-249 Use these holes / Push plastic lever and slide out piece to be used for parts CA09A in step 5 VE-244 screws...
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IMPORTANT NOTICE / Main hardware system / Make sure to properly tighten each cam to ensure furniture solidity. Otherwise, parts could be damaged or the user could be injured. tighten insert tools required important PRE-ASSEMBLY / Desk / Assemble upside down Assembling sequence Parts / two people are required to...
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HARDWARE INSTALLATION / Desk / CO-249 Use these holes / Push plastic lever and slide out piece to be used for parts CA09A in step 5 VE-244 Important H-03 Importante VE-244 CO-762 Make sure to use the largest in runner holes (CO-762), as i n d i c a t e d b e l o w.
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ASSEMBLY / Desk / Assemble upside down Assembling sequence Parts / important / importante tighten two people are required to assemble and move this model. insert : 1-888 8BESTAR (1-888 823-7827) ERVICE ERVICIO...
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HARDWARE INSTALLATION / Drawers / CL-745 EC-744 AM-182 VF-231 PO-831 CA09A right side VR-207 CO-249 CA09A align left side screws Code / Código Qty / Qté / Cant. x 12 : 1-888 8BESTAR (1-888 823-7827) ERVICE ERVICIO...
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ASSEMBLY / Drawers / Assembling sequence Parts / CA05A CA03A CA03A bottom + CA05A 66 VM-601 left side CA03A CA05A bottom / CA03A CA05A right side VR-212 CO-762 assemble upside down VP-218 without pre-drilled hole screws Code / Código Qty / Qté / Cant. x 16 : 1-888 8BESTAR (1-888 823-7827) ERVICE...
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ASSEMBLY / Drawers / Assembling sequence Parts / CA13A EX-681 CA09A CA09A VM-601 bottom + CA13A 67 EX-702 VR-212 EX-681 right side CA09A CA13A bottom / CA09A CA13A left side filing / rangement / orden CA13A CA13A CA09A CA09A CA09A CA09A Letter / Legal /...
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NSTALLATION / Drawers / Important/Importante After installing drawers into cabinet, adjust drawer fronts and tighten screws VM-601. Ball bearings must be on front part of slider when installing drawers. : 1-888 8BESTAR (1-888 823-7827) ERVICE ERVICIO...
INSTALLATION / For future reference and to better serve you, Important/Importante please apply the self-adhesive sticker in an accessible space such as inside a drawer. To better serve you! Model Production Number Customer Service 1-888-823-7827 When you have completed the assembly of your new furniture, install plastic caps When you have completed the assembly of your new furniture, install plastic caps CA-99 H-03...
Es importante instalar las bisagras y las placas sobre las piezas adecuadas respetando el folleto de instrucciones. Para la instalación de las puertas y su ajuste, consulte la etapa de instalación de las puertas en el folleto de instrucciones o en el sitio Internet de BESTAR (
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El logotipo ilustra un personaje abierto y radiante. Élevoca igualmente, el pasado porque Bestar fue el primer fabricante de muebles listos para ensamblar a concebir escritorios en forma de "U". Finalmente, si tomamos el logotipo con su forma la más sencilla, nos recuerda que Bestar está presente para sus empléados, paras sus clientes...