Behringer X-TOUCH ONE Mise En Œuvre page 13

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Table des Matières


X-TOUCH ONE Getting started
Step 3: Getting started
HUI - there are two HUI modes:
one standard and one HUI PRO for
This Getting Started guide will help
Pro Tools.
you set up the X-TOUCH ONE and
briefl y introduce its capabilities.
MIDI - there are four MIDI Controller
The X-TOUCH ONE allows you to
modes, where each element can
control your software DAW with the
send fi xed MIDI messages. Two are
accurate touch and feel of a high
modes where the buttons send out
quality controller. With 34 handy
Note messages, and two where they
illuminated buttons, a rotary
send Control Change CC messages.
push-encoder, a large jog/shuttle
Each mode has the encoder either
wheel, and a touch sensitive
absolute, or relative. The various
motorized 100 mm fader, it can
operation modes are shown in the
operate a wide variety of DAWs in
table on page 34.
various operation modes.
To change the operation mode of the
The X-TOUCH ONE is a USB Class
X-TOUCH ONE, press and hold down
Compliant MIDI device, and so no
the Encoder Knob while you turn on
driver installation is required for
power to the X-TOUCH ONE.
Windows or Mac OS operation.
Alternatively, if the unit is
already on, press and hold the
large STOP transport button and
Connect the X-TOUCH ONE
then press the encoder knob to
directly to an available USB port
enter the setup mode.
on your computer using the
Rotate the encoder knob until
supplied USB cable. Make all
the desired mode is shown in
other connections in your system.
the LCD display.
Apply AC power to the supplied
power supply adapter connected
Press the encoder knob again
to the X-TOUCH ONE, and it will
and rotate it to adjust the LCD
turn on. The current fi rmware
display contrast.
version number will be indicated
Press the encoder knob again and
briefl y (for example 1.02).
rotate it to adjust the LED display
Press the encoder knob to save
The X-TOUCH ONE supports
the settings and return to normal
Mackie Control, HUI, and MIDI
communication protocols
for seamless integration
Choose the appropriate overlay
with every compatible music
template for your operation mode,
production software.
and lay it on top.
The text printed on the unit
corresponds to the standard Mackie
Control MC protocol. Other modes
In MC User mode, you can assign a
have their own dedicated printed
function to any of the buttons from
overlays that fi t over the front panel.
the list of available MC functions
shown on page 37 (except for the
MC - there are eight MC modes, each
top fi ve buttons in the Master/
set up for a diff erent popular DAW.
Channel section). Please see the
One of these is the standard Mackie
diagram on page 36.
Control mode, which is the default
mode for the X-TOUCH ONE from
The assignment of the buttons
the factory. Another mode is the
is done just after putting the
"MC User" mode where individual
X-TOUCH ONE into MC User mode
buttons can be assigned by the
(before adjusting the LCD contrast
user as desired.
and LED brightness).
Press and hold down any desired
button, and the text "ASSIGN" will
appear in the LCD display.
With the button still held down,
rotate the encoder knob to select the
new MC function of the button from
the list. Then release the button.
Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until all buttons
are assigned to your liking.
Press the encoder knob again to
adjust the LCD contrast and LED
brightness and return to the normal
operation of the X-TOUCH ONE.
In your DAW software, select
the appropriate control surface
as follows:
MC - If you are using the
X-TOUCH ONE in an MC mode,
select Mackie Control (or Mackie
Control Universal) as the control
surface in your DAW. The X-TOUCH
ONE in MC mode emulates the
operation of the Mackie Control,
so this is the control surface you must
choose in your DAW. The diff erent
MC operation modes are matched to
diff erent DAWs. If you are not happy
with the pre-assignment, you can
choose "MC User" operation mode
and make your own assignment for
your DAW.
HUI - If you are using the
X-TOUCH ONE in a HUI mode,
select Mackie HUI as the control
surface in your DAW. Select HUI PRO
if you are using Pro Tools.
MIDI - If you are using the
X-TOUCH ONE in a MIDI mode, select
it in your DAW as a MIDI controller.
Become familiar with your DAW's
MIDI Learn functions, and you will
be able to map each button and
feature of the X-TOUCH ONE to a
function and control on your DAW,
or plug-in controls.
Please check the X-TOUCH ONE
product page on our website for
any fi rmware updates. If there
is a fi rmware version later than
the currently-loaded fi rmware,
download the new fi le onto your
host computer. (The unit's fi rmware
version is briefl y displayed after
power on.)
To enter the fi rmware update mode,
hold down the REC button in the
CHANNEL section in the top right
corner, while you turn on power to
You will need a MIDI utility such
as MIDI OX in order to send the
fi rmware fi le using SysEx commands.
Follow the detailed instructions that
come with the fi rmware download.
Quick Start Guide


Table des Matières

Table des Matières