Position the upper section of the barbe-
cue on the storage tray. Assemble the
two sections using the screws provided.
B. Using your barbecue for the first time – Starting the barbecue
The barbecue should be heated and the burning matter should be kept red-hot for at least 30 minutes prior to cooking.
Place the firelighters or crumpled up
newspaper in the middle of the grates.
Only use firelighters which comply with
standard EN 1860-3 – these are non-
toxic, odourless and do not add any
unwanted taste to the food.
Position the grates in the barbecue.
Half-fill the grate with charcoal. Use dry,
treated charcoal which meets standard
NBN M 11-001, EN 1860-2 or DIN
Do not overload the tray (max. 50%).
Light the fire using a long match.
Wait for a layer of ash to cover the bur-
ning matter before cooking.
Once the charcoal is covered with a fine
layer of light grey ash (this will usually
take 25-30 minutes), arrange the char-
coal using long-handled pincers, then
position the cooking plate(s) using the
removable handles.
Remove the handles once the plate is in