MICrOsD CarD MessaGes
HERO3_Plus_Silver_UM_ENG_FRA_REVA.indb 53
ImPoRtant WaRnInG messaGes
No card present. The camera requires a microSD, microSDHC
nO sD
or microSDXC card to record Video or take Photos.
sD FUll
Card is full. Delete files or swap card.
sD errOr
Camera unable to access card.
FIle rePaIr ICOn On THe lCD
If you see the File repair icon on the LCD screen, your Video file
was corrupted during recording. Press any button and the camera
will repair the file.
TeMPeraTUre WarnInG ICOn On THe lCD
The Temperature Warning icon will appear on the LCD when the
camera has become too hot and needs to cool down. Simply let it sit
and cool before attempting to use it again. Your camera will not allow
itself to overheat —do not worry, no damage has occurred.
6/26/13 3:26 PM