To Avoid Inaccurate Measurements; Attaching The Disposable Protective Sleeve - uebe Domotherm Mode D'emploi

Thermomètre électronique à infrarouges conçu pour mesurer la température du corps humain dans le conduit auditif
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Les langues disponibles

Operating the unit

To avoid inaccurate measurements

Reading directly off the eardrum (tympanic membrane) ensures the most accurate tem-
perature measurement. Readings from the surrounding ear canal tissue generate lower
values. Placing the thermometer in the ear correctly is therefore very important. Always
follow the instructions for placing the thermometer in the ear in the chapter "Measuring
the temperature".
With small infants, the infant is best placed flat on the belly, with the head in the lateral
position and the ear facing upwards. With older children or adults, standing slightly to the
side and behind the patient is the best position for taking a reading.
Always measure the temperature in the same ear, since the temperature readings from
ear to ear may vary.
If the patient has just woken from sleep, please wait a few minutes before measuring the
ear temperature.
In the following situations it is recommended that three temperature measurements in
a row be taken in the same ear and that the highest value be recorded as the reading:
– With newborn infants in the first 100 days of life.
– With children under three years of age with a vulnerable immune system, where the
presence or absence of fever can be critical.
– While familiarising yourself with the device and practicing the proper use of the infra-
red ear thermometer, until you are obtaining consistent readings.
– If the measured values appear abnormally low to you.
To achieve maximum accuracy with successive measurements, please wait 30 seconds
after each 3-5 measurements.

Attaching the disposable protective sleeve

For each measurement use a new and undamaged protective sleeve.
Use only the Domotherm
OT protective sleeves (see Accessories on page 32) designated
for this thermometer.
Place a new disposable protective sleeve with the paper side
up into the protective sleeve holder of the storage tray.
Place the measuring probe perpendicular to the centre of the
Press the probe fully into the opening of the protective sleeve
bracket until you hear a slight click.
Carefully extract the measuring probe with the attached dis-
posable protective sleeve from the protective sleeve bracket.
Check whether the sleeve is mounted correctly. If the protective sleeve is damaged or
improperly attached, remove it and use a new one.
Operating the unit


Table des Matières

Table des Matières