Commissioning Siedle App
• System fully set up
• Programming complete
• Laptop and Smart Gateway are in
the same network
• IP address of the Smart Gateway
is known
Using one app
1 Open your web browser and enter
the Smart Gateway's IP address.
2 The login page appears. Enter the
username "admin" and the pass-
word "admin".
3 Create a new IP user in the
Network users area, under IP users.
4 Assign a name freely, e.g. User1,
select the bus address reference
which is pre-defined and click Next
to confirm.
5 Scan the QR code with the Siedle
app or print it out.
6 Commissioning is complete. Close
the browser.
Using up to 6 apps in an IP group
1 Open your web browser and enter
the Smart Gateway's IP address.
2 The login page appears. Enter the
username "admin" and the pass-
word "admin".
3 Create a new IP user in the
Network users area, under IP users.
4 Assign a name freely, e.g. User1,
do not select the bus address refer-
ence and click Next to confirm.
5 Scan the QR code with the Siedle
app or print it out.
6 Repeat points 3 to 5 until all app
users have been created.
7 Create a new IP group in the
Network users area, under IP groups.
8 Assign a name freely, e.g. Group1,
select the bus address reference*
which is pre-defined, add the IP
users created previously and save.
9 Commissioning is complete. Close
the browser.
* If the bus address reference is not
available, it is already assigned to
another IP user or IP group and must
be deleted there.