Rotation/Index Prism 2
000 ó 005 Idle
006 ó 128 Index 0° to 360 °
129 ó 191 CW Rotation from fast to slow
192 ó 192 Stop rotation
193 ó 255 CCW Rotation from slow to fast
000 ó 255 Rotation/Indexation 16Bits Prism 2
000 ó 255 Focus (8 bits)
000 ó 255 Focus Fine (16 bits)
000 ó 255 Frost
Dim Modes
000 ó 020 Standard
021 ó 040 Stage
041 ó 060 TV
061 ó 080 Architectural
081 ó 100 Theatre
101 ó 255 From Projector menu
ó 255 Movement Speed from fast to slow
000 ó 005 Idle
006 ó 017 Invert Pan OFF
018 ó 029 Invert Pan ON
030 ó 041 Invert Tilt OFF
042 ó 053 Invert Tilt ON
054 ó 061 Fan AUTO
062 ó 069 Fan QUIET mode
070 ó 077 Fan FULL mode
078 ó 089 Dimmer Linear Curve
090 ó 101 Dimmer Square Curve
102 ó 113 Dimmer Inv Square Curve
114 ó 125 Dimmer S-Curve
126 ó 131 Led frequency 900 Hz
132 ó 137 Led frequency 1000 Hz
138 ó 143 Led frequency 1100 Hz
144 ó 149 Led frequency 1200 Hz
150 ó 155 Led frequency 1300 Hz
156 ó 161 Led frequency 1400 Hz
162 ó 167 Led frequency 1500 Hz
168 ó 173 Led frequency 2500 Hz
174 ó 179 Led frequency 4000 Hz
180 ó 185 Led frequency 5000 Hz
186 ó 191 Led frequency 10 kHz
192 ó 197 Led frequency 15 kHz
198 ó 203 Led frequency 20 kHz
204 ó 209 Led frequency 25 kHz
210 ó 215 Quick path P/T OFF
216 ó 221 Quick path P/T ON
222 ó 232 Reset Pan & Tilt
233 ó 243 Reset Head
244 ó 255 Reset ALL