Immediately post treatment, you should not see any significant side effects from treatment (Refer to
section 4 for more information on side effects).
In the first few weeks following the initial treatments, you will still see some hairs growing. These are
likely to be hairs that were missed during treatment i.e. they were lying dormant and not in their growth
phase (Anagen) during treatment; when IPL is most effective.
Around 6 weeks into the 12 week treatment programme you should see a reduction in hair growth.
However, many hairs may still not have been treated in their growth phase. It is important to continue
the weekly treatments.
After the 12 week programme, you should see a significant reduction in hairs within the treated area.
Any remaining hairs should be finer and lighter in colour. Continued monthly treatments, or treatments
as required, should maintain the reduction in unwanted hair.