All amplifiers with ratings above 1400 watts rely on the fact that the average power
required to reproduce music is considerably below the maximum power the amplifier
is capable of providing. Some amplifiers are capable of actually delivering their rated
power continuously, but these may consume as much as 50 amperes in doing so. To
get around this problem, many high power amplifiers are shipped with either a special
high current plug on the line cord or with two line cords. In practice, the user is often
forced to find some way to connect these products to standard line outlets. Due to the
lower average power required by music, this will sometimes work, but there is the
possibility that circuit breakers in the concert hall will trip in the middle of a performance.
The AUDIOPRO 3000 is internally capable of delivering its rated power on a continuous
basis. However, rather than leaving the question of energy management to chance, the
AUDIOPRO 3000 incorporates active energy management circuitry which continuously
monitors the actual power consumed from the AC line. Should that exceed an average
of 12 amperes over a sustained period, the AUDIOPRO 3000 will reduce its output
power and therefore its power consumption accordingly. The reduction required is
very small: A drop in output power of 3 dB will reduce the power consumption to below
12 amperes in even the most extreme cases.
continuous and compressed music driving two ohm speaker loads connected to each
channel, the AUDIOPRO 3000 consumed less than 10 amperes on average, and the
energy management circuit was never activated. (This performance is due in large
measure to the high efficiency of the AUDIOPRO 3000's output circuitry: Other
amplifiers draw considerably more power under identical conditions!) It is nice to know
that an AUDIOPRO 3000 will probably never cause a nuisance trip of a breaker.
The AUDIOPRO 3000 is a high efficiency amplifier which is capable of delivering a
greater percentage of its input power to the speaker load than most other amplifiers.
Under actual operating conditions its power conversion efficiency approaches that of
digital switching amplifiers. However, digital switching amps are still plagued by poor
specifications and cumbersome operating constraints. The AUDIOPRO 3000 provides
the superior transient response and low distortion figures associated with the best and
most reliable analog designs.
The AUDIOPRO 3000 accepts either balanced or unbalanced inputs. Either XLR or
PHONE cords may be used. XLR cords are normally used for balanced operation.
However, stereo PHONE cords may also be used. Internally, the AUDIOPRO 3000
inputs are simply wired in parallel: The TIP of the channel "A" PHONE input is
connected to pin 2 of its XLR input, the RING is connected to pin 3, and the SLEEVE is
connected to PIN 1.
This switch simply connects the inputs of channel "A" directly to the inputs of channel
"B". A signal connected to either channel thus is routed to both amplifiers. Fig,#2- 2
Under prolonged actual tests with
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