12/24 hours mode
The time can be displayed in 12(AM/PM)or 24 hours mode.
°C/°F temperature display
The temperature can be displayed in °C or °F. Press the key "-" to switch between °C and
Max./ Min. for the indoor/outdoor temperature and humidity
Press "+" for displaying of indoor/outdoor max./min. of temperature and humidity.
Temperature alert set-up
Press "Channel" to select the channel (CH1, CH2, CH3) if more than one outdoor sensor is
Press and hold the key "-" then select between ON/OFF.
Press "MODE" , the upper limit temperature is flashing, use "+" , "-" to set the maximum alert
Press "MODE ", the lower limit temperature is flashing, use "+" , "-" to set the minimum alert
When the alert is activated, the alert symbol will be shown on the left of the
outdoortemperature display
Temperature alert on/off
Press and hold the key "-" to set the temperature alert on or off.
Alert on: Temperature alert symbol shown in display
Alert off: Temperature alert symbol is not displayed
A temperature alert can be set-up for each channel.
The set-up process cannot be completed if the maximum temperature selected is lower than
the minimum selected temperature.
The minimum temperature selected must at least be 1°C below the maximum selected
Sunrise /Sunset and Moonrise /Moonset
150 cities are selectable for Sunrise /Sunset and Moonrise /Moonset times, a list of cities can
be found in the end of the manual
5 Weather forecast symbols
Slightly cloudy
Remarks:The weather forecast is determined by temperature, humidity and air
pressure. The forecast symbol may not match with the current weather.