Download and install client-end APP.
Open the App Store on iPhone/iPad, search for "U-life Plus" and install. Or
scan the QR code to install it directly.
Enter the "Google Play" store on Android smartphone. Search for "U-life Plus"
and install.Or scan the QR code to install it directly.
Take the operation of Android client-end as example, and refer to Android client-
end for IOS client-end.
Open APP, register an ID first, then please login.
Special characters (such as "%","\","<>" etc...) are not allowed.
Prompt: please use a valid and useable mailbox during user registration, for reco-
vering the password.
There are two ways to add the camera function in Mobile APP, namely, "adding mode
by WiFi" and "adding mode by scanning the QR code ".
Adding mode by WiFi
Please power on and start the camera, then the power indicator will remain green
and link Indicator will be red. After 1 minute, link indicator will flash twice, indica-
ting the camera is turned on successfully (Fig. 1).
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
U-life Plus
U-life Plus