• If you detect that the battery becomes very hot, emits a strong odor, starts to deform or
performs in an unexpected way while in use, being charged or in storage, please stop using the
battery immediately
• The battery and charger should be placed on fire-retardant surface while charging is in
progress. If you are charging the battery while it is still mounted on the bike, make sure that the
bike is parked on an incombustible surface.
• Do not charge the battery while it is on a carpeted floor.
• Do not cover the battery or the charger while charging is in progress.
Notes for Battery Charger
The charger provided is suitable for voltage ranging from 100V to 240V. The charger does not
have to be switched to the associated voltage range, as it detects the voltage automatically.
There is no on/off switch on the charger. Make sure to unplug for energy saving if no charging is
Connect the Charger
Connect the battery charger as illustrated. Connect the charger to the battery and the shining
red indicator light on the charger indicates the charging is underway. It takes approximately 5
hours to fully charge the battery. Once the battery is charged, the green indicator light on the
charger will light up. While the battery is being charged on the bike and you wish to check how
much it is charged, you may turn the system on and the instrument will show the battery level. If
you are done charging, disconnect the charger from the battery before removing the power plug
from power socket.
• There is no on/off switch on the charger. Make sure to unplug
for energy saving if no chargin is required.
• Do not pedal the bike while the battery is being charged, or
there is a risk of damaging the charging socket on the bike.
• The battery can be charged onboard or independently.
Do not move or pedal the bike while the battery is being
charged onboard.
Install the Battery
The battery is not safe if the lock cylinder of battery is not
connected correctly. The battery may fall out of the battery seat
while riding and this could produce a risk of accident.
Connect the battery charger as illustrated. Connect the charger
to the battery and the shining red indicator light on the charger
indicates the charging is underway. It takes approximately 6
hours to fully charge the battery. Once the battery is charged,
the green indicator light on the charger will light up. While the
battery is being charged on the bike and you wish to check how
much it is charged, you may turn the system on and the
instrument will show the battery level. If you are done charging,
disconnect the charger from the battery before removing the
power plug from power socket.
Store the Battery
To remove the battery, pull the clip up as shown in the picture, or the battery cannot be removed.
Always place the battery on a
charging socket and connector plug to the battery seat may be damaged in other way.
•Deep discharging of the battery may lead to internal short-circuiting, and the battery may
become very hot, resulting in a fire hazard.
•Avoid deep discharging of battery while it is in use or storage.
•If not in use, the battery should be charged fully at least every 3 months.
•Do not carry a deeply discharged battery on the electric bike.
If the electric bike or battery is not expected to be used for an extended period of time, please
follow the following instructions:
foundation with the charging socket facing upwards, or the