Installation Manual
To prevent damage to lightbar and vehicle, ensure that all equipment operates properly, and carefully plan
where to mount and wire the lightbar and controlling equipment:
1. Verify that the lightbar and mounting hardware fit the vehicle.
2. Pre-configure desired lightbar functions.
3. Determine:
• the location to mount the lightbar.
• the location to route the lightbar's Power Cable.
• the location to route the Function Cable, (eg. to siren, switch box, console).
Take extreme care when routing wires around airbag areas to not interfere with it's proper operation.
4. Separate all electronic equipment wiring from two-way radio equipment wiring.
5. To avoid interference, keep two-way radio antennas a minimum of 50cm away from warning equipment.
6. After drilling holes, de-burr and smooth sharp edges, and insert grommets to protect the wires from
7. When frame-ground the equipment, use the manufacturer-supplied ground locations in the vehicle.
Vedpak 178_Version 2_061013