SYS sarl –
300 Rue des Arts et Métiers, 21410 PONT DE PANY
5. Programming
For programming the receiver must be connected to the mains. The programming is conserved during a
power failure.
5.1 Programming mode or transmitter deletion mode
N.B.! A transmitter must not be further away than 2 m from receiver in learn mode. The
receiver has a limited range!
To enter the programming mode, short press (approximately 0,5s) the LRN button. This mode is
confirmed by the regular flashing of LED 1.
a) In programming mode, pressing the LRN button again selects the relay output to be associated with
a transmitter (example: if DEL 1 flash, press LRN, switch to channel 2, LED 2 flash and LED 1 off).
b) Once the relay output has been chosen, to associate a transmitter, simply press on one of the
switches or press the LRN button (see §6.2). The receiver will acknowledge its recording in memory
by maintaining the LED corresponding to the selected output on for 4 seconds. As soon as flashing
LED starts again, another transmitter can be associated or cleared.
c) To clear a transmitter simply press on one of the switches or press the LRN button of the desired
sensor (see §6.2). The receiver will acknowledge its clearing off the memory by maintaining the LED
corresponding to the selected output off for 4 seconds. As soon as flashing starts again, another
transmitter can be associated or cleared.
d) The association or deletion of transmitters can also be carried out using the EnOcean UTE
(Universal TEach-in) protocol: once the relay output has been chosen, send a UTE Query
frame. The association or deletion is confirmed by keeping the LED on or off for 4 seconds and by
sending a UTE Response
type frame.
To exit programming mode, short press the LRN button. The output is confirmed by the stopping of
regular flashing of the LEDs.
Multiple association programming mode:
This mode is used to associate the 4 relay outputs with a transmitter in a single step.
- To enter the multiple association programming mode, make 3 successive short presses (<0.5s) on the
LRN button. This mode is confirmed by the regular flashing of the 4 LEDs.
– No transmitter is programmed in the receiver as supplied state.
– When using BMS products, mono or multi-channel, programming must be performed alone and
channel by channel: you must exit the programming mode between each channel or select another
output, by short press the LRN button and within 5 seconds after the start of visual acknowledge.
– Up to 32 switch, transmitters and sensors can be allocated to each channel.
– If the memory is full, the receiver exits programming mode upon an additional association attempt.
– The transmitters are alternatively programmed or cleared in the event of several activations!
– If no button is pressed, learn mode stop automatically after 30 s.
5.2 Sensor mode
LINE 10020110 receiver, once associated with a BMS product, transmits an acknowledgement
for each change of status on its output. In addition, advanced functions such as remote polling and remote
status change become available, in accordance with the EEP profile D2-01-00
a) Activate the programming mode on the BMS product (refer to its user manual).
b) Enter the programming mode (see §5.1) on the 10020110 receiver, for the transmission of UTE
type association frames. These transmissions, one every 3 seconds, are indicated by the
regular flashing of the LED until the mode is exited.
c) The association with this BMS product is validated as soon as a positive response of type UTE
is received. This is confirmed on the receiver by the LED remaining lit for 4 seconds and
by the sending of a VLD CMD 4 – Actuator Status Response
5.3 Clearing off all the programmed transmitters
Press the CLR button for approximately 2s. Clearing is confirmed by the simultaneous lighting of the 4
LEDs then the regular flashing of LED 1 alone. The receiver returns automatically to programming mode.
To exit programming mode, short press the LRN button. The output is confirmed by the stopping of regular
flashing of the LEDs.
6. Control and functions
Each receiver can receive up to a maximum of 32 transmitters, switches or sensors. Upon allocating on
the selected output the first transmitter or sensor, the operating mode is defined. The operating mode
cannot be changed until all the transmitters have been cleared(see §5.3).
Switch mode: For switches (default mode), each press reverses the state of the receiver: if it is ON it
goes OFF and vice versa.
Window contact mode (D5-00-01): If at least one of the window contacts is open, this activates ON
the associated output of the receiver. If all possible window contacts are closed, the associated output of
the receiver is OFF. The window contacts transmit a signal approximately every 15 minutes. 60 minutes
after receipt of the last signal received, the receiver considers this contact closed.
6.1 Compatible transmitters
The following transmitters can be associated with the receiver
10020001, 10020019, 10020022
Bistable Switch
10040023, 10040024, 10040025
Key card
Windows Handle
Windows contact
10020032, 10020042,10020075
Dry contact sensor
10020047, 10020057
Occupancy Sensor
(*) This list is not exhaustive. To find more compatible products, go to the product section on the website
Please note! Only receivers with a serial number greater than or equal to 2105D0001 are compatible
with all EEP Profiles. For lower serial numbers, some profiles may not be compatible.
For more information on the EEP Profiles compatible with your product, please refer to the manual
supplied with your product or contact us.
For more details, see Communication Profiles – EEP available at:
type frame.
LINE 10020110:
LINE reference*
EEP Profile
F6-02-XX (
6.2 Transmitter associated functions (switch mode)
The functions associated with different sensors are determined during learning. The learning process (see
§ 5.1) is to do before activating the transmitter.
The switches (single and
double) work per channel.
Keys 1 and 2 form channel
A, keys 3 and 4 form
channel B.
Bi-stable switch
Key card
Window handle
Window contact
Dry contact sensor
Occupancy sensor
BMS product
Note *: The ON state corresponds to the lighting of the LED (on the front of the product) and contact
closure output NO.
Note **: The visual acknowledge corresponds to holding the LED on or off for 4 seconds.
6.3 Consumption indicator
The consumption data is an accumulation of the loads measured at the outputs of the 4-channel receiver.
6.3.1 Consultation
The consumption data can be consulted, after association in sensor mode (see §5.2), in accordance
with the EEP D2-01-00
The device sends a VLD CMD 6 – Actuator Measurement Query frame (parameters: Query energy
and Output chanel 0x00).
The receiver replies with a CMD 7 – Actuator Measurement Response frame containing the
consumption data.
6.3.2 Resetting the consumption data
a) Switch off the device.
b) Press and hold the CLR button, then power up the device,
c) Once LED 1 is orange, wait for LED 1 to turn red (5s) then release the CLR button.
d) Press the LRN button for about 1s to reset the stored values of the receiver, the red LED goes out
to confirm the deletion of the data.
6.4 Current safety function
When an overcurrent is detected on one or more receiver outputs, a flashing red LED fault informs the
user of the concerned output(s). The receiver then deactivates the accused outputs and the red LED(s)
flashes until the user has cleared the fault.
To clear the fault, press (approximately 0.5s) the CLR button. No reprogramming is necessary for
restarting. Checking the electrical connection and the connected loads is essential.
- The value of the detection threshold is not configurable (factory value).
Button 1 (2, 3 or 4):
pressed and released before
visual acknowledge**
Button 1 (2, 3 or 4):
pressed then released after
visual acknowledge**
Button 1 (2, 3 or 4):
pressed and released before
visual acknowledge** followed by,
pressed then released after
visual acknowledge**
Press button 1 then 2 before the
visual acknowledgement** (or vice
Press button 1 then 2 after visual
acknowledgement** (or vice
Card inserted before the entry into
learning mode, removed (in
learning mode) then reinserted
Closed to opened or opened to
Press the LEARN button
Press the LEARN button
Press the LEARN button
UTE Protocol (see §5.1)
EEP A5-38-08
, command 01
switching only
UTE protocol (see §5.2 sensor
EEP D2-01-00
, command 01
switching, command 03 status
request (acknowledged),
command 06 measurement
consultation (acknowledged)
Fonction obtenue*
Button 1 (2, 3 or 4):
Transition from ON to
OFF and vice Versa
Button 1 (or 3): ON
Button 2 (or 4): OFF
Button 1 (2, 3 or 4):
: ON
released : OFF
Button 1 : OFF
Button 2 : ON
Button 1 (or 2):
Transition from ON to
OFF and vice Versa
Card inserted: ON
Card removed: OFF
Tilt to opened: no
Opened to tilt: no
Closed to opened: OFF
Opened to closed: ON
Magnet away: ON
Magnet near: OFF
Contact closed: OFF
Contact open: ON
Detection (PIR = On):
Detection (PIR = OFF):
SW=0 : OFF
SW=1 : ON
Immediate or delayed
with or without (0s)
delay from 1 second to
See EEP §D2-01-00
CMD 06:
Query = Query energy