Setting the Heart Beat mode:
The Heart Beat mode allows an automatic setup setting such as date, time, weight
and step length. These information are provided by the receiving device/ software. It
is important that the receiving device supports the heart beat mode. If entering your
will then be transmitted to your smartLAB walk B step counter.
If this mode is (ON), which is the factory setting, the step counter will try to
communicate every minute with a receivng device. Is there any receiving device in
reach which supports this function, the step counter will be set automatically. After
the step counter was set, the heart beat function will start again every 30 minutes.
The benfit of this function is to update the setting automatically. Another benefit
is that the step counter sends the battery status to the receiving device. This way
the receiving device can warn the user that the battery is almost empty. You can see
Heart Beat in picture 6. Switch the mode (ON) or (OFF) by using the "M/" button.