7.) Bend the holding tabs you selected outward.
8.) Set FAN into place in the opening using holding tabs, now the tabs hold the fan
in position in the ceiling opening.
holding tab
WARNING: Disconnect the AC power before any work is done to any part of
the circuit ReVent
seek the services of a qualified licensed electrician.
WARNING: Copper to copper only. Do not use aluminum wire.
WARNING: Follow all local electrical and safety codes, and NEC (National
Electrical Codes).
CAUTION: If your house wires do not match these colors, determine what
each house wire represents before connecting. You may need to consult a
qualified licensed electrician to determine this safely.
9.) Disconnect FAN motor from electrical enclosure. Remove the electrical cover
set screw and slide open the electrical enclosure.
unplug fan
remove set
holding tab
is connected to. If you do not understand this warning,
holding tab