Subwoofer Placement
Finding the proper placement for your subwoofer can take some trial and error, however here are a few basic
tips to get you started. In most cases the best position for the subwoofer is in the front corner (1) of the room.
Placing a subwoofer in a corner excites most room modes and offers the best chance of avoiding a null area (a
part of the room that experiences an acoustic reduction in bass).
If placing the subwoofer in the corners creates an abnormal amount of bass, you can try moving the subwoofer
to one of the side walls (2) near the front of the room.
If possible the best option is to move the subwoofer around the room and find the location that sounds the best
from your normal listening position. There are many test discs you can purchase that provide the correct test
signals for helping find this optimum location.
ELAC S10.2 Subwoofer | | Page 6