3. Satellite:
Select which satellites you want to search.
Once the options are set, press the "Red" key on the remote control to start the channel search.
fInDIng anD SToRIng THe CHanneLS
Once a channel search is started, a progress bar and list of channels found will be displayed. At any time, you
may stop the search by pressing Exit on the remote control. After the channel search is complete, press the
"Green" function key on the remote control to save the channel list and exit.
aDVanCeD CHanneL SeaRCH
The advanced channel search allows you to make a
channel search with customized search parameters.
The process is the same as in a normal satellite search,
described in the previous section.
Use this option to select which satellite to search.
Use this option to set the frequency of the transponder to
Use this option to set the polarisation of the signal between
vertical, right and left circular.
Symbol rate
Use this option to set the symbol rate for the signal.
Use this option to set the FEC (Forward Error Correction).
Use this option to set the PIDs between automatic and manual. If you choose manual, you can set the
individual Audio and Video PIDs and the PCR.
Video PID
Use this option to manually set the Video PID.
Audio PID
Use this option to manually set the Audio PID.
Use this option to manually set the PCR.