time to enjoy the preparation and the freshly brewed coffee to the
full. The pour-over method is particularly suitable for bringing the
best out of the valuable ingredients and fl avour of the particular
coffee bean and preserving it. Our stylish BEEM Pour Over Cof-
fee Maker Set for up to 500 ml of coffee can be obtained from
selected specialist stockists, directly via our website www.beem.de
or from our customer service department on request.
To obtain a successful result, you should keep a very close eye
on the ratio of coffee powder to water. If the water content
predominates, the coffee loses its taste. If in turn you use too
much coffee powder, the coffee becomes too strong. We
recommend that you start off with 15 g of coffee per 250 ml
of water. Of course, tastes vary from person to person, so you
need to slowly get to know your own ideal ratio.
Kitchen scales are one aid that not only make dosing
easier for beginners, but are also used by experienced ba-
ristas. You can use these to weigh the quantities of coffee
powder and water very precisely and so also ensure the
ideal ratio between the two ingredients.
Along with the coffee bean, water is the main component of
your coffee or espresso. You should therefore make sure that
the quality of the water you use for brewing your coffee is
good. Since tap water is often too hard, we recommend that
you use fi ltered water.
For a particularly fi ne fl avour, you can also use still mineral water.
Here too you should experiment, because not every mineral
water tastes the same.