13.3 Oil recommendations
Please report to the instructions manual of the engine, joined to the machine, to know the
recommendations of lubricant made by engine constructor.
However, we inform you that the recommend lubricant is the one of type fluently used for the thermal
engines. (SAE 30, 15w-40).
Verify regularly the level of engine oil in order to maintain the correct level indicated by the level measure
on the dipstick.
If you insert another kind of oil, contact your dealer to verify if it is valid for a good
functioning of the engine.
If, by chance, you have already introduced it, drains the wrong oil and places the machine in
a position that introduced oil can drain for complete.
13.4 Recommendations about the fuel
Please report to the instructions manual of the engine, joined to the machine, to know the
recommendations of fuel made by constructor of the engine. However, we inform you that it right to use
fuel of type: automotive unleaded gasoline.
Avoid making overflow the fuel tank at the time replenishment. Consult this manual about the general
information on the security.
If you put another type of fuel, if should drain immediately, because it can damage the
internal parts.
If, by chance, you have already put the engine in function with a fuel that is not the
appropriate, take the machine, immediately, to the place where you acquired it to clear
the internal parts, or to the change of some damaged parts.
BL355 BL360