Before filling or flushing; check and confirm the integrity of the
system. Always consider the component operating instructions
before using the Fernox Solar Flow Pump.
As all system designs vary slightly, refer to the operating instruction
to establish the filling point valve and return valve connections from
the system (usually found on the solar system pump station) to
ensure that the fluid is pumped completely around the system and
there is no short circuit loop. This is usually avoided by:
• Having the non return valve of the system between the fill and
return valve points (as shown in the diagram)
• Some systems may have an isolation valve between the fill and
return valves points which must be closed to ensure circulation
around the system when filling and flushing
All used solar fluid should be collected in a suitable container and
recycled or disposed of via licensed disposal contractor.
Filling via integral tank
1. Connect the outlet of the Fernox Solar Flow Pump using the
clear hose supplied to the fill valve on the system. Connect the
return valve from the system using the other hose supplied to
the connection on top of the tank on the Fernox Solar Flow
2. Ensure the inlet valve on the Fernox Solar Flow Pump is
3. Using a funnel and bund tray carefully fill the integral tank with
Fernox Solar S1 Fluid.
4. Open the tank isolation valve, the outlet isolation valve on the
Solar Flow and also the system fill and return valves.
5. Switch on Fernox Solar Flow Pump and fill system. Ensure the
tank port lid is open to allow deaeration.
6. For filling larger systems ensure that the tank is kept topped up
as the system fills. Always turn off the Fernox Solar Flow
Pump and the outlet isolation valve when refilling tank.
7. Fill and circulate the fluid until no more air bubbles are visible in
tank. Continue to circulate for further 15 minutes.
8. Close the return valve from the system and pressurise system
to the required pressure.
9. Switch off Fernox Solar Flow Pump and close the fill valve on
the system pump station
10. Open air vents on system. Switch on the solar circulation pump
in manual mode on solar controller and run for one hour.
Deaerate using vents and refill system to required pressure if
necessary. Close air vents.
11. Disconnect and carefully remove connection pipes from solar
pump station. Collect residual fluid in container to avoid
Filling via external container
1. Connect the outlet of the Fernox Solar Flow Pump using the
clear hose supplied to the fill valve on the system.
2. Connect the one end of the other clear hose supplied to the
inlet of the Fernox Solar Flow Pump, and secure the other end
inside the container ensuring that the fluid is drawn from the
3. Using an additional hose, connect to the return from the system
and secure the other end inside the container, ensuring that this
end always remains well below the surface of the liquid.
4. Ensure the tank isolation valve on the Fernox Solar Flow Pump
is closed.
5. Open both the inlet and outlet valves of the Fernox Solar Flow
Pump and also the fill and return valves on the system.
6. Switch on Fernox Solar Flow Pump and fill system. For larger
systems the pump must be turned off before the hoses are
placed into a new container.
7. Fill and circulate the fluid until no more air bubbles are visible in
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container. Continue to circulate for further 15 minutes.
8. Close the return valve from the system and pressurise system
to the required pressure.
9. Switch off Fernox Solar Flow Pump and close the fill valve on
the system pump station.
10. Open air vents on system. Switch on the solar circulation pump
in manual mode on solar controller and run for one hour.
Deaerate using vents and refill system to required pressure if
necessary. Close air vents.
11. Disconnect and carefully remove connection pipes from solar
pump station. Collect residual fluid in container to avoid
It is best practise to flush through system with mains water to
remove old solar fluid before adding cleaner.
All used solar fluid should be collected in a suitable container and
recycled or disposed of via licensed disposal contractor.
1. Connect the outlet of the Fernox Solar Flow Pump using the
clear hose supplied to the fill valve on the system.
2. Connect the return valve from the system using the other hose
supplied and secure the other end to a suitable disposal
container (discharge).
3. Fill the integral tank of the Fernox Solar Flow Pump with mains
water. The connection on the tank may be used to connect to
the mains supply.
4. Ensure that the inlet valve on the Fernox Solar Flow Pump is
closed and open the outlet valve. Open the tank isolation valve
and also the fill and return valve on the solar pump station.
5. Switch on Fernox Solar Flow Pump and flush system until the
discharge runs clear. Ensure that the tank is kept topped up
with mains water as the system is flushed.
6. Switch off Fernox Solar Flow Pump and connect the return
hose from the system to the connection on the tank.
7. Add in Fernox Solar Cleaner C to the tank via the filling port,
using one 500 ml bottle for every 25 L of system volume.
8. Switch on Fernox Solar Flow Pump and circulate the cleaner
solution around the system for 20 minutes.
9. Switch off Fernox Solar Flow Pump and disconnect the return
hose from the system and secure to suitable disposal
container. Reconnect the mains water to the tank.
10. Switch on Fernox Solar Flow Pump and flush system with
mains water to remove the cleaner solution. Ensure that the
tank is kept topped up with mains water as the system is
flushed. Flush until the water runs clear and the pH of the
discharge is equal to the mains water.
11. Turn off the mains water supply to the tank and allow the tank
to empty completely into the system.
12. Switch off Fernox Solar Flow Pump.
13. Drain the system completely.
14. Refill system with Fernox Solar S1 fluid using the instructions
The Fernox Solar Flow Pump is not to be used with cleaners that
are corrosive to aluminium.
Two year limited warranty.
Spare hoses available on request from the sales office on:
0870 601 5000
Fernox, Cookson Electronics
Forsyth Road, Sheerwater, Woking, Surrey GU21 5RZ
Technical Helpline: +44 (0)870 870 0362