6.3.1 External Fire Alarm Explosion Detected
Establish procedures to follow in order to prevent this alarm from being activated, and for when the
alarm is activated. Procedures should follow the current ATEX directive as well as local rules and regula-
An external fire alarm is activated or a Relief Panel Sensor (RPS) is connected and has detected an explosion.
• Press 'OK' to reset the alarm.
E x t e r n a l
F i r e A l a r m o r
E x p l o s i o n
D e t e c t e d
Th 11:23
Reset OK==>
6.3.2 Emergency Stop Activated
If this message appears in the display, one or more emergency stops have been activated and the machine has
been switched off.
Find out why the emergency stop has been activated and correct the problem. When all hazards have been elim-
inated that activated the emergency stop, the emergency stop can be reset.
• Press 'OK' to reset the Emergency Stop Button.
For more information, see the PLC Setting Manual and the Installation and Service Manual.
Emergency Stop
Th 11:23
E-Stop And Press
6.3.3 Low Pressure or Duct Isolation Released
The Compressed Air Switch (CAS) indicates that the compressed air pressure is too low.
Check that the compressed air supply is attached to the unit. Reconnect the compressed air supply if necessary.
If the compressed air supply is connected correctly but the compressed air supply is too low, see the PLC Set-
tings Manual and the Installation and Service Manual.
• Press 'OK' to reset the alarm.
Low Pressure
CAS<3Bar Or
Duct Isolation
Valve Released
Th 11:23
Reset OK ==>