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Skyfood SI-282HDE-1 Manuel D'instructions page 15

Scie pour os - lame 111” - 2 hp


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Les langues disponibles

Racleur de la Lame
Glissez le Racleur de la Lame lateralment pour le sor r.
Racleur du Volant
Enlevez le Volant Inférieur et il suffira rer le Racleur du Volant vers le devant de la scie le
sortant de son guide.
Calibreur de la Lame
Placez vous derrière la scie et re rez le Couvercle Arrière Supérieur No.01 (Fig.10). Tournez
le Manipule du Calibreur de la Lame No 02 (Fig.11) dans le sense an -horaire pour que le
Calibreur de la Lame No. 01 (Fig.11) soit libre et puisse être re ré.
Re rer aussi le Manipule du Calibreur No 02 ( Fig.11 )
Laver toutes les par es avec eau et détergent à Ph neutre.
Ne pas employer de jets d'eau directement sur le Coussinet Inférieur, la Tableau de
Commande et le Cabinet principalment au points de ven la on.
Employer un chifon propre et una brosse douce pour enlever les residus.
Laver et hygienizer régulièrement toutes les par es, pour ensuite les sécher.
Monter toutes les par es ayant été re rés par le procédé inverse à celui instruit ci dessus,
prenent soin pour qu' elles soient montés correctement.
3.3.1 Cau ons with Stainless Steel:
The Stainless Steel may present rust signs, which ARE ALWAYS CAUSED BY EXTERNAL
AGENTS, especially when the cleaning or sani za on is not constant and appropriate.
The Stainless Steel resistance towards corrosion is mainly due to the presence of chrome,
which in contact with oxygen allows the forma on of a very thin protec ve coat. This
protec ve coat is formed through the whole surface of the steel, blocking the ac on of
external corrosive agents.
When the protec ve coat is broken, the corrosion process begins, being possible to avoid
it by means of constant and adequate cleaning.
Cleaning must always be done immediately a er using the equipment. For such end, use
water, neutral soap or detergent, and clean the equipment with a so cloth or a nylon
sponge. Then rinse it with plain running water, and dry immediately with a so cloth, this
way avoiding humidity on surfaces and especially on gaps.
The rinsing and drying processes are extremely important to prevent stains and corrosion
from arising.
Acid solu ons, salty solu ons, disinfectants and some sterilizing solu ons
(hypochlorites, tetravalent ammonia salts, iodine compounds, nitric acid and
others), must be AVOIDED, once it cannot remain for long in contact with the
These substances a ack the stainless steel due to the CHLORINE on its composi on,
causing corrosion spots (pi ng).
Even detergents used in domes c cleaning must not remain in contact with the stainless
steel longer than the necessary, being mandatory to remove it with plain water and then
dry the surface completely.
Use of abrasives:
Sponges or steel wool and carbon steel brushes, besides scratching the surface
and compromising the stainless steel protec on, leave par cles that rust and react
contamina ng the stainless steel. That is why such products must not be used for cleaning
and sani za on. Scrapings made with sharp instruments or similar must also be avoided.
Main substances that cause stainless steel corrosion:
Dust, grease, acid solu ons such as vinegar, fruit juices, etc., saltern solu ons (brine),
blood, detergents (except for the neutral ones), common steel par cles, residue of sponges
or common steel wool, and also other abrasives.
stainless steel.


