11 IO-Link
11.1 General information
This unit has an IO-Link communication interface which requires an IO-Link-
capable module (IO-Link master) for operation�
The IO-Link interface enables direct access to the sensor values and parameters
and provides the possibility to set the parameters of the unit during operation�
In addition communication is possible via a point-to-point connection with a USB
adapter cable�
You will find more detailed information about IO-Link at www�autosen�com�
11.2 Device-specific information
You will find the IODDs necessary for the configuration of the IO-Link device and
detailed information about sensor values, diagnostic information and parameters
in the overview table at www�autosen�com�
11.3 Parameter setting tools
You will find all necessary information about the required IO-Link hardware and
software at www�autosen�com�
11.4 Extended functions
With IO-Link extended functions and measured data are available�
11.4.1 Teach function
The following teach functions are available:
• Teach on background
• Two-point teaching
The teach functions are described in detail in the IODD�
11.4.2 Object reflectivity
The object reflectivity is provided via the display and as process data value (PDV)�
The object reflectivity can, for example, be used to detect sensor soiling�