The BS-30 is a USB Multilogger sensor for temperatur and humidity
with an micro SD cardslot. The BS-30 registers the temperatur and
humidity data and stores it on the internal micro SD memorycard.
BS-30 operation
We assume that you already installed the Multilogger software on
your PC. Connect the BS-30 to an USN port of your PC. When you
connect the BS30 for the first time the BS-30 USB driver (RF_USB)
ill be installed first. Normally also the charching of the internal accu
will directly start (red LED). The charging LED (Red) will blink 2
times shortly when the accu is almost empty.
After a correct installation of the driver you will see in the
"Synchronisation" screen of the Multilogger software 'USB@x'
and the BS-30 firmware version.
The BS30 will store directly the measured data in the Multilogger
software. You can monitor the latest measurement in the sensor list
screen of the software and the activity in the synchronisation screen.
As long the BS-30 has (battery)power and the SD card is installed,
the module will store the data on the SD card. During charging
when the BS-30 is connected with a PC or with an 5V USB
power source the temperature in the BS30 housing will raise a
few degrees and the measurement will not be accurate any-
You can charge the internal lithium accu with an 5 Volt USB power-
souce or directly with your PC. The BS-30 can opperate without the
USB power as stand alone device.
The Multilogger software (Templogger software) has been designed
for Windows 7 (and also for subsequent Windows versions) and is
available for 32 bits and 64 bits systems. The software has been
equipped with 4 languages. You can download the most recent soft-
ware versions from: