11. MAIN OUTPUT: These two outputs—labeled Left/Mono and Right—are the Fusion's primary
outputs. By default, all sounds are routed to these outputs and you'll generally connect these
outputs to your amplifier (or mixer).
TIP: By combining the Fusion's Aux and Main Outputs, you have two stereo-pair or four
discrete channels to work with. For example, let's say you've composed a piece for a string
quartet and want to mix it using the mixer and outboard gear (compressors, EQs, etc.) in your
studio. You could route the violin, viola, cello, and double bass to separate outputs and then
mix each output as a separate sound source.
12. HEADPHONE: Connect your favorite pair of headphones to this jack when you want to play
without disturbing others.
13. INPUT: These inputs—Left/Mono and Right—feed the Fusion's integrated sampler. You can
sample in stereo or mono, and the Gain control enables you to set the optimum input level.
Note that you can use these inputs to route a microphone (or other external device) through
the Fusion's synthesis or effects engines. This effectively turns the Fusion into an extremely
powerful effects processor.