• select the Multi-Hose adapter based on the diameter of
the tubing you are using. it is recommended to use as
large of a diameter of tubing as possible (up to 1 ½ inch
diameter) in order to achieve maximum water flows.
• if using a diameter pipe larger than the smallest section
of the Multi-Hose adapter, trim off the smaller sections to
avoid any flow restriction.
Hosetail ready for ¾" tubing
Hosetail ready for 1¼" tubing
• after connecting the plumbing plug the pump and the
fixture to an outlet that is protected by a
ground fault interrupter (gfi). once the pump is running
and water is circulating through the ultraKlear
check for any fitting leaks where the external connections
Hosetail ready for 1" tubing
cut here
Hosetail ready for 1½" tubing
cut here
cut here
• we recommend using a hose clamp (not included)
to secure tubing onto the fitting.
are made. since the filter is located outside the pond
even a small leak must be corrected. check the uV
indicator to confirm that the uV light is "on" inside the
US 1-866-877-6637 |
CAN 1-866-766-3426 | www.aquascapeinc.com
Installation of stainless steel hose clamp
stainless steel
hose clamp