Use with AC power:
When using the appliance with AC power, use the power
cord which is supplied with the appliance. Let the female
plug ins e rt to the applianc e and c o nnec t the male plug
to an outlet. (Fig. 4)
• Insert the emale plug into the appliance rst
c o mpletely, then c o nnec t the male plug to an outlet.
• Al ays close the socket cover rmly hen the po er
c o rd is not plugged.
• The AC power does not charge the battery inserted to
the applianc e .
• Ev e n operating in DC power, the applianc e
automatically c h anges to AC power when the power
c o rd is plugged in.
Organiz i ng the power cord:
Coil power cord on s t and tightly, then c l ip end of the
c o rd by us i ng fas t ener attac h ed. (Fig. 5)
Turning on the light and brightness mode
selection (Fig. 6)
1. Switc h : Pres s the s w itc h once, the light turns on (At
the s a me brightnes s mode as the las t s e tting). Pres s
the s w itc h again, the light turns off.
2. Brightnes s mode s e lec t ion: Brightnes s s e quenc e is :
High mode / Mid mode / Low mode / High mode for
eac h pres s when the light is on.
Battery protection system (Fig. 7)
The applianc e is equipped with a battery protec t ion
system to extend battery life. When the battery becomes
low, the LED lights go out ex c e pt one LED as illus t rated.
Then approximately ve to ten minutes later, the system
automatic a lly c u ts off power. In this c a s e , remov e the
battery from the tool and c h arge the battery.
Cooling fan
This applianc e is equipped with the c o oling fan.
The c o oling fan may work to c o ol the applianc e ev e n
after the applianc e is turned off. Sound of air c o mes out
when the c o oling fan is work i ng.
This is not malfunc t ion of the applianc e .
• Al ays put the appliance on at and stable place.
Otherwise a falling ac c i dent may oc c u r.
Adjusting the angle of the light (Fig. 8)
Loosen the knobs on the both side. Ad ust the angle o
the light (ad ustment range is 240°). Then tighten the
k n obs again.
Take care not to trap nger(s) hen ad usting the angle
of the light.
Using with tripod (optional accessories)
• Read c a refully the ins t ruc t ion manuals of the
ac c e s s o ries before us i ng them with the light.
You c a n put the light on the tripod to fac i litate the
operation. (Fig. 9)
• Be c a reful not to drop the applianc e when attac h ing
the applianc e on the tripod.
• Plac e the tripod on a lev e l and s t able s u rfac e to
prev e nt from falling.
• Spread the legs of the tripod to the max i mum.
• Do not us e the tripod if the wind is s t rong.
• Mak e s u re that the applianc e is attac h ed s e c u rely on
the tripod.
• Remov e the applianc e when c a rry i ng the tripod or
when folding the legs of the tripod.
• Be c a reful not to get y o ur hand c a ught in the legs of
the tripod when c l os i ng the tripod.
• Always be sure that the appliance is switched off,
unplugged, and the battery cartridge is removed before
attempting to perform inspection or maintenance.
• Nev e r us e gas o line, benz i ne, thinner, alc o hol or the
lik e . Dis c o loration, deformation or c r ac k s
Only maintenance work described in this instruction
manual may be performed by the user. Any other work
must be carried out by Makita authorized service centers.
• Nev e r wash the applianc e in water.
From time to time wipe off the outside (appliance body)
of the appliance using a cloth dampened in soapy water.
• Thes e ac c e s s o ries or attac h ments are rec o mmended
or use ith your Makita appliance speci ed in
this manual. The us e of any other ac c e s s o ries or
attachments might present a risk o in ury to persons.
Only us e ac c e s s o ry or attac h ment for its s t ated
purpos e .
If y o u need any as s i s t anc e for more details regarding
thes e ac c e s s o ries , as k y o ur loc a l Mak i ta s e rv i c e c e nter.
• Mak i ta genuine battery and c h arger
• Tripod [Part No: GM00002073]
• Some items in the lis t may be inc l uded in the
applianc e pac k a ge as s t andard ac c e s s o ries . They
may differ from c o untry to c o untry.
8 English
may res u lt.