Lors de l'amorçage initial du commutateur et de la connexion au port série ou de console, la
configuration NX-OS doit automatiquement démarrer et tenter d'entrer en mode PoAP (Power on
Auto Provisioning). Quittez le mode PoAP en tapant « yes » et en effectuant les étapes nécessaires
dans la boîte de dialogue de configuration de base.
Abort Power on Auto Provisioning and continue with normal setup? (yes/no)
[n]: yes
Enter the password for "admin": <<net_switch_admin_password>>
Confirm the password for "admin": <<net_switch_admin_password>>
Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): yes
Create another login account (yes/no) [n]: Enter
Configure read-only SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]: Enter
Configure read-write SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]: Enter
Enter the switch name: <<net_switch1_hostname>>
Continue with Out-of-band (mgmt0) management configuration? (yes/no) [y]:
Mgmt0 IPv4 address: <<net_switch1_mgmt_ip>>
Mgmt0 IPv4 netmask: <<mgmt_net_netmask>>
Configure the default gateway? (yes/no) [y]: Enter
IPv4 address of the default gateway: <<mgmt_net_gw>>
Enable the telnet service? (yes/no) [n]: Enter
Enable the ssh service? (yes/no) [y]: Enter
Type of ssh key you would like to generate (dsa/rsa): rsa
Number of rsa key bits <768-2048>: 2048
Configure the ntp server? (yes/no) [n]: y
NTP server IPv4 address: <<mgmt_net_ntp1>>
Configure default interface layer (L3/L2) [L2]: Enter
Configure default switchport interface state (shut/noshut) [noshut]: shut
Enter basic FC configurations (yes/no) [n]: Enter
Would you like to edit the configuration? (yes/no) [n]: Enter
Review the configuration summary before enabling the configuration.
Use this configuration and save it? (yes/no) [y]: Enter
Commutateur 2 Cisco Nexus 56128P
Pour procéder à la configuration initiale du commutateur 2 Cisco Nexus 56128P, effectuez les étapes
Mise en réseau Cisco Nexus 105