Negative Ratios
Negative ratios – what exactly does this mean? To get a better
understanding of this function, it makes sense to realize what
the ratio control of a 'normal' compressor does:
1:1 The signal remains linear, there is no compression process going
1:2 After crossing the threshold, an increase of 2 dB at the input will be
compressed to an increase of 1 dB at the output.
1:∞ After crossing the threshold, the output signal is constantly held
at the threshold level without reacting to further increases at the
input (limiter).
At a negative ratio, the characteristic curve bends and returns back down
after crossing the threshold. The louder the input signal, the lower the
output signal – perfect for groovy compression effects.
To get a grip on the extreme 'destruction' this can cause, engaging the
Gain Reduction Limiter is just the right idea.
Standard compression ratio
Output Level (dB)
Input Level (dB)
Negative compression ratio
Output Level (dB)
Input Level (dB)