Step 3: Fix the metal triangles to the ground
using the 8 x 20 mm bolts
Now install the f rame on the tiki clamps and
aff ix them using the 5 x 50 mm screws.
Step 4: Place the worktops with the notched
ends on the half panels and the worktop
with the straight ends on the half door
panel. Aff ix all leaves at each end with two 5
x 70 mm screws.
Now f irmly aff ix the corner pillars with the
two supplied 5 x 100 mm screws.
Step 5: The density of the reed panels varies.
Select the 3 sturdy panels for the upper row
where the incline is the most signif icant.
Now clamp the panels to the outside of the
f rame. When doing so, begin with the lowest
row (with the large models it is easier to feed
the panels lengthways through the f rame,
for the higher rows. If the last straight panel
in a row is too long, trim it with a knife after
the clip, to avoid leaving a long, loose end.