The kit is composed of the following elements:
2 doors
the higher panel in Lexan
the triangle in Lexan for the top of the windshield
the set of fixings and small metal parts
two tubes aluminum dia. 12 mm
1. The metal arch is fixed on the top
of the front roll bar (n°139) by
means of 2 strong cables ties figure.
The 2 legs are fixed on the bolts of the rear roll bar (n°140) and are connected to the arch by
the 2 fixed tubes of dia. 12, when in place, put a rivet in each end.
Fit the Lexan roof panel onto the top of the
framework using the cable ties.
R A N D K A R s . a . A S S E M B L Y M A N U A L X A I R 2 0 0 6 , J u n e , 0 4
M A N U E L D E M O N T A G E X A I R 0 4 J u i n 2 0 0 6
2. Fit the triangle complement to avoid air rushing
into the cockpit, position centrally on the inside of
the windshield and fix with 4 mm diameter bolts-
spaced approximately 12 cm apart, to ensure a
good fit
3. Set up the first door and drill the 3 holes of 6 mm
in the higher panel corresponding to the correct posi-
tion of the door. Before boring, be sure that there is a
space from 3 to 5 mm between the door and the wind-
shield frame to avoid any conflict in operation. the
door must be fitted a little towards the interior of the
cockpit to avoid scooping in outside air when closed.
4.Once the door is fixed and aligned correctly in the closed po-
sition it is now time to fit the door securing tabs. The upper
support is made from aluminium and is squeezed between the
lexan windscreen and the metal frame on the upper part of the
first bend, play with the position a little bit to ensure the best
fit. When satisfied with the location, drill 2 holes and rivet the
tab to the lexan part of the windshield .
5. Now fit the open door supporting
tube and its velcro.
6. The final step is the fitting of the steel plate with the welded
The knob in this axle points inwards and allows for locking of
the door through a corresponding hole drilled into the door to
match the knob.
Loosing a door in flight could cause tragic damages, so it is vi-
tally important to check before each flight: " CLOSED
7. Do the same way with the second door.
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