Glass column for laboratory tests with ion exchange resins
Chapter 3 - Installation instructions / operation
3.1 Setting up the glass column
The ion exchange column PUREval MX-G should only be
operated in a vertical position. We recommend operating the
glass column using a laboratory stand system with stand
3.2 Filling in the resins
Before the resins are filled in, the ion exchange column
should already be attached vertically to a suitable bracket.
Close the regulating valve at the outlet of the column,
dismantle the flange clamp and remove the upper part of the
Add water to the column and make sure that the resins filled
in are completely covered with water. Using a suitable funnel,
you can fill in the ion exchange resins through the flange
opening with an inner diameter of 25 mm.
To avoid leaks, clean the gasket and sealing surface of the
flange clamp.
3.3 Avoiding air inclusions / expelling air bubbles
To avoid air pockets in the resin bed, you should make sure
that the resins are always covered with a sufficient amount of
water. In addition, once filled resins should not run dry out,
but should always be kept under liquid. To expel air bubbles,
the column can be operated using the countercurrent principle with a low flow rate.
3.4 Removal of the resins
To remove the resins, you should first let the column run dry and rinse it with deionized water. Then
dismantle the upper flange and remove the column from the stand clamp.
Mount a hose on the lower hose connection through which you can lead water. Rotate the column
counter to normal operating direction so that the flange opening is facing down. Apply water pressure
to the hose and flush the column with water. Catch the ion-exchange resins so that you can dispose it
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