Please read all instructions before use and keep them for future reference.
Complies with safety standards.
Can only be installed in designated vehicles equipped with three-point safety belts that comply with EEC n° 16 or
equivalent standards.
Never use a child safety seat:
- that is not adapted to the child's weight and size
- for any other use than manufacturer's recommendation (follow manufacturer's instructions for installation)
- that has been in an accident: seat must be replaced because it might have hidden damage
Always attach your child in a safety seat, even for short trips.
Warning! Never leave your child unattended. During trips, be sure that your child remains safely secured.
Belts must remain taut, never twisted. Always adjust the harness and make sure that lap belt is worn low enough to
secure pelvis.
Make sure that baggage and other objects are correctly stored to avoid harm in case of accident or sudden braking.
It is recommended to use the seat with its seat cover and to replace it manufacturer recommended cover only.
The seat should be installed in such a way that no parts (rigid and plastic) can be caught in the vehicle's door or
under a seat during normal vehicle use.
The seat's safety can only be guaranteed if installed and used according to manufacturer's instructions :
any changes in use, installation or accessories will jeopardize the seat's safety.
The booster seat is designed for children weighing 9 to 36 kg in all vehicles with 3-point belts conform to current
European standards. Must always be installed facing forward and only on back seats equipped with 3-point belts.
Group 1 (9-18kg): Car seat with harness to be installed facing forward on backseats equipped with 3-point safety belts
Use of a prop for smaller children. Prop included for eventual inclination of the car seat.
Group 2-3 (15-36kg): Car seat with backrest, without harness. Prop included for eventual inclination of the car seat.
In case of doubt, do not hesitate to consult the manufacturer or the retailer of the car seat.
(1) top reductor
(2) harness brakes
(3) crotch padding
(4) bottom reductor
(5) top cover
(6) bottom cover
Page 2 - using the prop
Page 3 - configuration and description
Page 4 - Aa - installation du siège avec harnais dans le véhicule installing the car seat in the car – harnessed mode
Page 8 - Ab - installing the child in the car seat – harnessed mode
Page 10 - Ba - how to change the car seat to non-harnessed mode
Page 14 - Bb - how to change the car seat to harnessed mode
Page 19 - Ca - installing the car seat in the car – non-harnessed mode
Page 20 - Cb - installing the child in the car seat – non-harnessed mode
Page 23 - D - spare parts
Pages 25 à to 33 - warnings, user tips and guarantees
Hand wash fabric parts with a sponge and soapy water.
Renolux France Industries guarantees this car seat for 2 years from date of purchase.
The Renolux Company is not responsible for any damage resulting from use other than that which is described in
the manufacturer's instructions.
All complaints should be referred to the store where purchased along with this warranty and original sales slip.
In case of accidental deterioration of the cover, you may order a new one from the store of purchase.
For all other parts requiring disassembly, do not attempt to change parts or repair the car seat on your own.
Car seats that have been in a car accident should never be reused.
It is also strongly recommended not to use a car seat that has been bought second-hand since there is no way of
knowing how it was used by the previous owner.
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