If a spill occurs on the cooktop that allows liquids to seep inside the downdraft unit,
you must turn the downdraft vent system off immediately. It is possible to cause
damage to the downdraft unit if water is allowed inside the downdraft unit while it
is operating.
Immediately turn off the downdraft vent system at the speed control
located on the right-hand side of the downdraft unit.
Turn off the power supply to the downdraft vent system at the circuit
breaker box or fuse box.
Allow plenty of time for the downdraft unit to dry naturally. Do not open the
downdraft unit to remove the water.
If the downdraft vent system does not operate
Check that a circuit breaker has not tripped or a household fuse blown.
Check that the grease filters are properly installed.
Check the downdraft unit fuse located under the power board.
Note: this downdraft unit is designed with a microswitch behind the center of each
grease filter. These microswitches prevent the blower and the unit-raising and
lowering mechanism from operating when either of the grease filters is removed. It is
very important to make sure that the grease filters are properly and firmly in place. If
the unit does not operate after replacing the grease filters, make sure the filters are
properly installed and are making firm contact with the microswitches.