52. Category View
The category view is a kind of fast search filter for the Spin! Library. You can choose whether the
Spin! Library view should be displayed alphabetically, sorted according to years or BPM values for
example. Under the point "groups" you can carry out playlists or sortings. In order to create a new
group push the right mouse button in category view on the "Add Group" item. Now you will be asked
to enter a name – confirm by pushing the enter button.
53. Music Explorer/Audio Input
The music explorer is a file browser in tree view just as you know it from the Windows explorer. Here
you can search for files in your work centre or your network environment. Furhtermore here you can
also find the Spin! 2+ Interface under the item "Audio Input". Each input is listed there. Via drag &
drop it is possible to drag single inputs onto the player for an easy assignment.
54. Monitor Function
Via the Software Monitor function you can monitor a track. This function is unnecessary when using
an external mixer as you would monitor a track via the mixer's cue function.