21. Beat Match View
The Beat Match View shows you the peaks of both tracks – the two displays are arranged vis-à-vis.
It is possible to quickly recognize whether bass drums and snares are running simultaneously. This
way, if the two tracks have been matched regarding the pitch, it is possible to easily and quickly
synchronise two tracks. The left player 1 is displayed green and the right player 2 is displayed grey.
By activating the Bar function (menu item 3.5 Spin! Workspace, subitem 3.5.3 Bar) the advanced
Beat Match View will be displayed.
a) Peaks
Display of the wave peaks.
b) 4/4 Bar Counter
The four small boxes indicate the 4/4 bar. With each bar a further box will light up. With this help
you can bring in the track according to the first of four beats.
c) Beat Bars
Display the single beat bars synchronically to the peak display.
If the Beat Bars are not correctly in line with the peak you can adjust this in the Needle View.
To do so hold the displayed bar in Needle View with the mouse and drag it accordingly to the
left or right.
d) 16 Bar Counter
This numeric display counts each 16 bars. If for example a 7 is displayed, 7 bars of the track have
been played. As usually every 16 bars there is a change of the suspense curve (breaks, effects,
etc.) you can use this help as mix staring point.
e) Zoom Adjustment
Here you can adjust the zoom factor of the Beat Match View.
22. Complete View
In the Complete View you can see the complete waveform of a track. The dramatic arch of a track
can be recognized well and at the blink of an eye you can also see where the intros and breaks are.
The elapsed part of a track is displayed green and the remaining part of a track is displayed grey.
23. Needle View
The zoom range can be adjusted from 2 – 16 beats. To do so click the right mouse button in needle
view and select the according value from the submenu. Furthermore you can choose whether the
left, right, stereo or both channels mixed should be shown in the waveform. Select the according
option with a right mouse click in Needle View.