There are two types for the Needle View display:
• Waveform Scrolling
The waveform moves. A vertical line in the middle represents the needle.
• Tick Scrolling
The waveform remains still. The line (corresponds to the needle's position) moves.
This option is system-resource saving.
Select the corresponding option with a right mouse click in Needle View.
24. Master
Adjust the master volume for player 1 and player 2 respectively.
25. Mic Rec. Function
Due to the integrated Mic Rec. Function (Mic Spin!) you can record a sample via microphone that can
later be used for scratching for example.
Follow these steps:
Sample recording
• Under Audio Input (Music Explorer) assign the input "0: Reloop Spin! 2- Interface 1" via drag &
drop to one of the players
• Adjust the volume level via the mic volume knob
• Push the Rec button
• A save dialogue will appear; enter name and position where the sample should be stored
• After pushing "save" the recording will start; stop the recording by pushing the Rec. button once
Mic Spin! function (playing and scratching a sample)
• Via drag & drop assign a desired track from the Spin! Library or the recorded sample to a player
in order to manipulate it via record.
The mic input is coupled to the input 1. As soon as you connect the microphone the phono/line
input 1 is deactivated. If you would like to record a mic smaple during a mixing session make sure
that player 2 is currently playing. After recording disconnect the microphone in order to be able
to control player 1 via records.
26. Load Track
With this function it is possible to load single files to the player.