Dal Zotto Stefy Manuel Utilisateur page 36

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FunctiOnAL OperAtiOnS DiAgrAM
State of the art installation and proper system operation include a series of activities:
1. preliminary activities:
Š verification of the suitability of the installation site,
Š verification of the suitability of the fumes exhaust system,
Š verification of the suitability of the outside air inlets;
2. installation:
Š implementation of ventilation and connection to the outer air inlets,
Š implementation and connection to the fumes exhaust system,
Š assembly and installation,
Š electric and hydraulic connections,
Š installation of insulation,
Š ignition and operation test,
Š installation of finishings and coverings;
3. issue of complementary documentation;
4. inspection and maintenance.
Other actions may be required in relation to specific requests of the competent authority.
preLiMinAry ActivitieS
Verification of compatibility of the system, of any restrictions required by local administrative regulations, special or conventional
requirements resulting from condominium regulations, constraints, laws or administration deeds must precede any other
assembly or installation operation.
one must especially verify the suitability:
Š of the installation premises, of the appliances already installed in the installation premises and in the adjacent and
adjoining premises, also powered by different fuels, with particular reference to non-compliant installations.
Š of the fumes exhaust system
Š of the outside air inlets
SuitABiLity OF tHe FuMeS exHAuSt SySteM
Installation must be preceded by a compatibility test between the appliance and the fumes exhaust system, by verifying:
Š the existence of documentation relating to the system;
Š existence and content of the chimney plaque;
Š suitability of the internal section of the chimney;
Š absence of obstructions all along the chimney;
Š predominantly vertical height and development of the chimney;
Š existence and suitability of the chimney cap;
Š distance of the outside wall of the chimney and of the smoke duct from combustible materials;
Š chimney type and material;
Š absence of other chimney connections.


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