ecofort Warranty
Thank you very much for buying a ecofort product. All ecofort ecoQ dehumidifiers are available with
a warranty to cover them for parts and labour for up to two years after purchase.
ecofort offers direct customer service to customers in Switzerland for this device. Also visit
the ecofort support center with many useful answers and online support for our products:
If you report a problem with your product, please provide your ecofort order or invoice number. In
case you haven't purchased this product directly through us, please contact us with your third party
order number.
ecofort AG
Birkenweg 11
CH-2560 Nidau
+41 (0) 32 322 31 11
If you need to report a warranty claim, please go to the ecofort support center and click on "New
Support Ticket". Refer to your order number and describe us the malfunction in your words.